Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Advancing my education now seems more important than ever before.  The job market is tight, and the pool of looking for work people is larger than ever.  Observing the people around at Disney that are full time, it is obvious that most do not even have an undergraduate.  The managers do have degrees but no further education.  The climate of this economy almost dictates that you need experience and a masters to get a better than average paying position of employment.  Corporations do most of the hiring.  Disney for example employs over 65,000 people.  When a company becomes that big, there is a lot of menial tasks to be done at the entry level.  Corporations love to find cost cutting measures so they can get more money so they lower the quality of their workforce by paying lower wages.  It is not advantageous for a college graduate to work at a place that is really going too slow for them.  You get what you pay for, and at Disney I think it is quantity over quality as it is at most corporations.  The bottom line is that I think I need to truly invest in myself, and get a masters degree in what I am passionate about and that will be time well spent.

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