Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Goofy Money

Disney brings in millions of dollars each month.  They are a behemoth but they certainly did not get that way overnight.  If anything, this internship has taught me, its that you must believe in your own creative instincts and ideas.  Walt Disney was not in the business for money, he stated many times that he had no desire to amass a huge personal fortune.  His goal was to create his vision, and he did that over and over again.  Walt undertook great financial risks to achieve his dreams, and with his huge but calculated risks came a huge reward.  Every time he got a windfall of cash he put it right back into his investment, his passion, which was one and the same.  That is such a huge lesson to me.  I want to control my own cash register, be a true entrepreneur in every sense of the word, except I want to do it through real estate.  ASU has a Masters of Real Estate Development Program that I definitely would like to get into.  I am now looking to find the best GMAT prep course I can find so I can excel on the exam.  I believe through being an entrepreneur I can finance my own set of dreams and bring my visions to life.  I cannot wait to get started and I have to thank Walt Disney for being a creative inspiration!  

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Mastering The Basics

A conventional four year degree just does not cut it anymore.  Everybody and their mama has one.  My parents generation was different since it was not nearly as commonplace to have a degree but today an education is big business.  The Walt Disney Company employs over 65,000 people but is not immune to tough economic times and weathering bad leadership.  My logic is that if you find yourself unemployed and numerous places have hiring freezes like Disney because of poor economic outlooks than your going to have to rely on a strong resume combination of education and experience.  The bottom line is that if you have a phd and a company is on a hiring freeze than your phd means no difference, but since there is a hiring freeze, there's more competition for the other top quality positions at other companies.  The goal of an education is to not just get a job, but to find a career where you can excel and build a life of stability and gratitude.  Truth is you can never stop learning, and learning is really the only way out of any circumstance.  ASU has an internationally respected Masters program so I think it only makes sense to take advantage of it.  Since education is a big business now, it only makes it easier to be accepted and pursue a masters in whatever I desire.  That is opportunity. 

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Winding Down

As the end of my internship quickly approaches it leaves me some time to think and reflect on my progress.  Ultimately the little things I needed to improve on here at Disney can carry with me to my next position.  It is all in the details.  Progress is made by practicing the basics day in and day out to where it is effortless.  To do a job, any job at its best and to perform at the highest levels whether your an entrepreneur or employed by a corporation, you must consistently critique your performance to excel at the highest level of your job.  The basics always need to be worked on.  I have to always monitor my listening skills regardless if the person who is delivering the message is a bore, it is my duty to hear what they are relaying even if it seems inconsequential or something I have heard before.  Being a know it all will get you nowhere, but having a desire to learn and grow as much as possible will get you everywhere.  Constructive criticism is an opportunity and attitude is everything.  I am looking forward to taking my lessons from Disney and applying them to my next position with the most positive outlook!